Mother’s Day 2020 With Joy and Love

Mother’s Day was great

Mother’s Day, this year, looked a bit different than other years. No Mass, going out to breakfast, picnics etc. I never grasped what being a mom really meant until I found out I was pregnant with Laura. It was a February morning and it was the best feeling in the world. Not to mention terrifying. I went right into protection mode and knew my existence was for her, my decisions, my health, my relationships etc all revolves around her. Then, Jason came and the same emotions happened.

Being a mom, to me, means to live for others and make decisions for their well being no matter how difficult it might be for you. Laura saved my life in many ways, and now I will forever return the favor for her and Jason. Love just scratches the surface of motherhood- safety, fun, comfort, emotional support, faith, responsibility, education and trust etc… I don’t need a day to remind me how much being a Mom is because motherhood is the most profound, difficult, loving and wonderful thing someone can do.

Mother’s Day this year started with Laura giving me a beautiful painting. The day before she single handed cleaned our basement. I basically said keep or trash things. Then, this beautiful painting. She is very artistic and paints beautifully. Jeff bought Jason home mid morning because they spent the weekend together. Jason gave me a heart that said love mom and a card. Jeff gave me this awesome body massager called the Snailax I highly recommend it. It’s very comfortable and I can control it by myself.

Jeff and I took a walk for a bit and then he mowed the lawn before leaving. I spent time with the kids until my dad bought us dinner. Laura helped me in my wheelchair. I got on a stool and she guided me back in my chair as I pushed with my legs. We get creative when needed!

When my dad came, we ate on the deck socially distancing. It was great to see him since the last time I saw him was Easter! I came in shortly after eating because I was cold.

The kids and I watched Disney sing along as I used my massager. I counted my many blessings of love even though these are really weird times.

I hope you had a great day!

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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.