Celebrate International Women’s Day Especially Those With Disabilities

Today is International Women’s Day, and I’m happy to celebrate all of the amazing women I know and those who I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting. Being a woman is terrific because we have super hero qualities and can turn them on as easy as a switch as needed. Women are smart, compassionate, strong, sensitive, goal orient and beautiful people. All women – including those with disabilities.

Women with disabilities are often overlooked as they strive for that college degree, job, finding an obstetrician, and taking care of their families. They stand out even though they strive to blend in.  Women with disabilities aren’t ordinary, but they are extraordinary.

A woman with a disability not only has all the usual things that all women need to consider, but, also consider any challenges. Women  find a way to figure out  how they’re going to achieve their dreams.

When I think about powerful women,  I think of my family and friends. I’m striving to raise my daughter to be a caring, generous, intelligent, and happy woman. She honestly doesn’t need much of my guidance because she’s figuring it out on her own.

I think about my sister who has risen  in adversity. She’s one of the smartest and creative people I know. My mom, my aunts and cousins who molded me and inspired me to achieve whatever I wanted.

I think about my female friends who are the best. They are zany, creative, funny and the best support system one could have. I have friends with and without disabilities, but it doesn’t matter to me. They are all terrific.

I pray that the future of women only becomes brighter. Hopefully, women will continue to embrace differences and support life. I hope we learn to support each other, respect one another and value everyone. So, here is to all women everywhere to another year being wonderful!

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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.