Family Update

I realized that it’s been way too long since I wrote about the little details about what is going on with our little family. I’ve been very busy writing for my weekly columns, writing my book and raising two human beings. Jeff now works the afternoon/evening shift since October. It’s been a huge adjustment for me and the kids. Bigger change than what I thought. I am happy he’s doing something that he likes, and this shift won’t be forever.

For me, I technically only have a break in my day when Jason naps. During pre school hours, I’m off doing errands, grocery shopping or writing. I do miss when six or seven comes along and Jeff would take over completely and I’d do whatever I wanted until we both hung out after the kids went to bed. I miss him. We see each other during the day, but I’m busy with things and my attendant is here. When he gets home, I’m lucky if I can say a sentence I’m so tired. But we text and try to spend as much time as we can squeeze in.

It’s exhausting being nonstop as any parent especially single parents knows. Luckily, Jason does get to see him everyday since pre school is only a few hours three days a week. Laura can go five to six days without seeing him. They often text at night and she likes that a lot. I do have a couple hours of help with dinner and getting ready for bed which I fully appreciate. Bed time can vary for the kids but usually they are both in bed by 9:30.

Laura is doing very well. Her grades fluxuate on the high end of honors and high honors. I can’t complain, and we study together each night. She is playing clarinet and doing very well. She is diligent with practice. At first, I thought I’d lose my mind, but she needs it and I can see huge improvement. Her concert is next week. I always have guilt that I don’t spend enough quality time with Laura because Jason is demanding at night. However, we do make the time whenever possible. We love to shop together and watch certain shows. Laura is very supportive of me being the only parent. She listens to me and takes my advice. For that, I’m forever grateful and blessed now she’s ten with a bright social life.

Jason loves going to pre school. In fact, he would love it if it was seven days a week! I hope his enthusiasm to school stays with him. At home, we’ve been working on letters, numbers and their meanings. He can spell Jason on his own and almost count to twenty without a mistake. Even though his attention span is short, he learns and remembers amazingly well. Unlike my daughter, Jason doesn’t listen to me too well and would rather do things the extra hard way sometimes than taking my advice. But sometimes there are glitters of hope like letting me verbally direct him with a shower and getting dressed etc. He’s been potty trained since September but needs reminders.

Laura and Jason love music. Jason loves to play the Star War Theme or Hall of the Mountain King and just dance like crazy. He calls it rock it out. Laura loves to sing and dance. Jason sings nursery rhymes and some Christmas songs.

Our lives are always on the go, and I’m perpetually tired but I wouldn’t miss a moment. During the craziest moments when the living room is torn apart (again), kids are yelling, laughing as dogs race and I feel like I’m going to lose it, I tell myself one day I’m going to miss it all. I don’t regret anything though and love each second of raising my kids.

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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.